
Why Linked Data

Linked Data (LD) is a more powerful and flexible method of publishing and accessing data bases relying on international recommendations issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The adoption of the LD paradigm:

  1. facilitates the integration of different data bases of complementary topics or of the same topic but with different coverage;
  2. supports the semantics, by including vocabularies and knowledge data in the form of Linked Data.

The adoption of the LD paradigm is widespreading: more and more datasets are available, and more and more usecases have been demonstrated.

Just to make an example in patents, linked data can be applied to integrate sets of different patent offices, to integrate patents data sets with complementary data sets or to integrate them with vocabularies: for an overview see here, for a full paper see here.

IntelliSemantic has a specific know-how in solutions and data sets available and implemented Linked Data solutions in custom projects.

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