

R&D company on AI and NLP - We also transfer our results by teaching and publishing

IntelliSemantic is an innovative SME leader in text and data analytics, semantics, linked (open) data and big data technologies. Our technology deals with multi-language text analysis and is suitably applied to Business Intelligence, a notable example of which is patent analysis, monitoring and search. See more: Company.

MyIntelliPatent is a patent intelligence and knowledge mangement solution for enterprises provided as SaaS. It supports patent managers for tasks like new patent applications monitoring, technology analysis, competitor analysis, portfolio analysis, prior-art searches, validity searches and to facilitate the proper dissemination of information about different groups of company users, as patent analysts, the R&D department, the legal department and so. See more: Patent solution.

IntelliSemantic can provide you these analyses, monitoring and search tasks also as professional services. You can use MyIntelliPatent to further refine the analysis on results collected by IntelliSemantic. See more: Patent services.

IntelliSemantic provides also technology-specific landscape analyses and/or monitoring for hottest technologies today, as Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. Also in these cases MyIntelliPatent will be used to share results to customers registered to the specific analysis. See more: Technology Specific Analyses and Reports.

Finally, IntelliSemantic can develop custom projects using natural language engines, to extract topics, relationships, entities from multi-language documents and provides a smart document navigation and retrieval. See more: Projects.

Last, but not least, IntelliSemantic shares its insights on hot topics in a so diversified and fast moving field as patent informatics through blogs, newsletters and webinars. See more: Blog, webinars, newsletter.

IntelliSemantic Latest News

27 July 2024 (Rivoli).IntelliSemantic has published the book "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: from data analysts to generative AI". This book, which arises from the teaching experience of the authors, provides an agile overview of the different Artificial Intelligence technologies. This book also provides an overview of the main use cases and maps them into the most suitable method. To help readers get along, the book also includes references to specific application examples solved in popular open source libraries (such as scikit-learn and Keras) and includes references to key literature articles.

28 June 2023 (Bruxelles). IntelliSemantic have been accepted into StairwAI's list of Validated AI Experts. StairwAI is EU's flagship research program supporting low tech SMEs in accelerating their AI adoption journey. StairwAI will have a tremendous impact on the sustainability, collaboration opportunities, accessibility and fairness of the AI on-demand Platform, enabling the definition of proper business models for the uptake of AI bringing new value for EU industry.

1-2 June 2022 (Berlin). First summit of the Ontochain project at Go! NFT in Berlin. The project ONTOCHAIN is a EU funded cascade project, in which the core team activates calls for new grants. The summit in Berlin summarizes results of the first two calls and adds insights to the third call now open. Intellisemantic, as a partner of the core team participates also as a speaker, to illustrate opportunities and challenges of blockchain applications. Recordings of the event available here:

March-April 2022 (Rivoli). Alberto Ciaramella from IntelliSemantic is invited speaker on “Blockchain and IP” at AIDB (March 10th, event in Italian) and CEPIUG (April 20th, event in English). These presentations provide an overview of today usecases of blockchain architectures for IP management and suggest also other possible future usecases.

15/07/2021 (Rivoli). IntelliSemantic will held the web conference "Blockchain patent based landscape and trends" on blockchain technologies, applications landscape and trends on 15/07/2021 from 16:00 CET till 17:30 CET. The landscape will be based on blockchain patents collected and accessed by the tool MyIntelliPatent. For info and registration click here.

14/04/2021 (Bruxelles) [updated: 14/06/2021]. The core team of the EU-funded cascading project ONTOCHAIN has finalized the 1st call by selecting 17 projects to built the Next Generation Internet. The 17 projects will codevelop a new software ecosystem for trusted, traceable & transparent knowledge sharing on blockchain. The selection was a challenging task, since the core team has been received 137 project proposals we thank for their application. New potential applicants are suggested to stay tuned for the coming second call in july. IntelliSemantic is a member of the core team. The core team assures the coherence of the architecture and applications developed, manages the calls and provides support to the selected projects. The winner projects are presented on the Ontochain project website. For more info, read the press release here.

1/09/2020 (Bruxelles). Start of the EU-funded project ONTOCHAIN. This project has the objective of empowering innovators to develop third generation blockchain solutions including ontologies and semantics. IntelliSemantic is a member of the core team, which will activate and manage calls for innovators joining the ONTOCHAIN ecosystem, for a trusted and open share of knowledge in the Next Generation Internet.

11/09/2018 (Milan). Alberto Ciaramella, IntelliSemantic CEO, will hold a speech at the CEPIUG (Confederacy of European Patent Information User Groups) conference 2018 about new opportunities and challenges for patent analysts in the use of Linked Data. update 14/09/2018: our presentation is available here.

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Società registrata al registro delle Imprese di Torino con Numero REA TO - 1026789

Sede legale: Corso Susa 299/A -10098, Rivoli (To) - Italy

Capitale sociale 30.000 Euro

Partita IVA 09124770018